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Indonesian Terror Group using bombs in books to kill enemies.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center


18March2011 10:52amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: JAKARTA — A top Indonesian anti-terror official said Wednesday that regional militant group Jemaah Islamiyah was behind a series of "book bombs" in the capital, Book bombone of which injured four people.

The first bomb, hidden in a hollowed-out thick book, exploded on Tuesday afternoon as police attempted to defuse it.

The package was addressed to Ulil Abshar Abdalla, a well-known liberal Muslim figure who espouses pluralism and religious tolerance.

It came with a threatening letter urging Abdalla to write a preface to the book which was entitled "They Deserved to be Killed: Because of their Sins to Islam and Muslims."

National Anti-Terror Agency (BNPT) chief Ansyaad Mbai told AFP: "It's the work of terror group Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) which has been actively launching bomb attacks in this country." (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center


22February2011 1:05pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: SEOUL — Members of South Korea's spy agency broke into a hotel room of a visiting high-level Indonesian delegation to try to steal sensitive information on a possible arms deal, a report said Monday.

South Korean spies tried to steal documents about a possible arms deal - (AP)A spokesman for the National Intelligence Service (NIS) denied the front-page report in Chosun Ilbo newspaper, but declined to elaborate.

The break-in last week has been previously reported but Chosun was the first newspaper to allege that NIS members carried it out.

The 50-member Indonesian presidential delegation visited last week for talks on economic cooperation, including the possible purchase of South Korea's T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic trainer jet and other weapons systems.

"The NIS agents, for the national interest, were trying to figure out the Indonesian delegation's negotiating strategies," Chosun quoted a senior Seoul official as saying.

Getting caught was an unintended mistake." (read full AFP report)


"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.