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ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: DefenseNews

04April2011 8:14pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE:  ISLAMABAD – Pakistan said April 1 it had given the chief of the country's powerful military spy agency an extra year in the job after he had been set to retire.

Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, who was appointed chief of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) – involved in combating al-Qaida and the Taliban – in 2008, had been due to retire from service last month.

In theory, the ISI works under the control of the prime minister, but in practice its functions are mainly run by Pakistan's pervasive security establishment.

ISI has been at the centre of concerns among western allies that it is either turning a blind eye to militants in Pakistan's troubled tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, or even actively sponsoring the rebels. (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.


ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Strategy Page

02April2011 1:45pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Pakistan's biggest problem is not the threat of attacks by Islamic terrorists, but the nationwide attitude of victimization by foreigners. Everything, even the widespread corruption, is blamed on some foreign conspiracy to bring Pakistan down. Every country has some of these myths, but some more than others. In Pakistan, the conspiracies are numerous and crippling. The worst examples of these involve India, and the overall theme that India is plotting to destroy Pakistan from within (via sponsoring terrorism and separatism) and without (modernizing armed forces that are already much larger than Pakistans). Other major conspirators are Israel, the United States and former colonial ruler Britain. Pakistani media and politicians have been blaming the foreign conspirators for decades, and many Pakistanis just take these beliefs for granted. After all, it was what they were raised on. At the same time, many Pakistanis, especially those who travel outside the country a lot, or have lived in the West, are exposed to other versions of history and have doubts. But to express these doubts back in Pakistan can get you in big trouble. The truth can get you killed.  (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: News Real Blog

07March2011 8:00amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: When American mother Melissa Bender married Pakistani Mohammad Khan, she brought three children from a previous marriage into the relationship. Today the children are in protective custody after police discovered that her 13 year old daughter, Jessie Children forced into arranged marriagesBender wasn’t taken away by a predator, but that the predator had been right in her own house.

Mohammad Khan was planning to take Melissa and Jessie to Pakistan, where the 13 year old girl feared she would be forced into an arranged marriage. Instead she bravely went on the run and the police department appears to be doing the right thing. For now.

Had Mohammad Khan taken her to Pakistan and married her off, it would have been almost impossible for the child to escape again. Particularly from a rural area. She would have been repeatedly raped by her “husband”, beaten by her in-laws and turned into a slave. And Khan would have likely profited from the exchange. Khan didn’t just marry a middle aged woman, he married a woman with at least one girl at home. And in Pakistan that translates into a salable commodity. (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Daily Mail

02March2011 8:30amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: A shocking video has emerged from Pakistan depicting children role-playing a Taliban suicide bombing.
The 84-second clip shows Pashtun children recreating a terrorist attack, with one boy dressed in black – the 'bomber' – being embraced and wished well by his friends before setting off on his deadly mission.
In the single-take video, the 'bomber' then approaches another boy, dressed in white, who appears to be mimicking a member of the security forces and tries to stop him.

But the young Jihadi then 'detonates' – with other boys throwing sand into the air to simulate the explosion – and others rush in to examine the children who are playing dead.
Ahsan Masood, a Pashtun from Waziristan in Pakistan, posted the video on Facebook because he 'thought it was funny'.
He said he believed it had been filmed in Khost, Afghanistan, and that it had been sent to him via his mobile phone by a friend.
It has been described as 'horrifying' by a children's charity in Pakistan, but others have said it could be seen in a positive light as children role-play to deal with the violent circumstances they see in their everyday lives. (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: IntelNews

01March2011 7:00amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Several Pakistani publications report that the United States has suspended some of its intelligence operations in Pakistan and is pulling several of its operatives out of the country.

US PassportsThe Islamabad-based Express-Tribune, which is partnered with The International Herald Tribune (the global edition of The New York Times), says that the US move is designed to pre-empt an ongoing investigation by Pakistani authorities into the whereabouts and activities of hundreds of US diplomats in several of the country’s regions.

According to the paper, Pakistan’s foreign ministry is in the process of conducting its first detailed investigation into the US diplomatic community in Pakistan in almost three years.

The ministry has told the Express Tribune that it has detected 851 Americans operating in Pakistan with diplomatic immunity, of whom nearly 300 “are not working in a diplomatic capacity”. The paper also cites sources inside Pakistan’s ministry of the interior, which claim that as many as 414 American diplomats operating in Pakistan are members of the US intelligence community.

Over 40 US intelligence operatives have allegedly left the country or have completely suspended their activities in recent weeks. (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: IntelliBriefs

13February2011 1:19pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Pakistan has the fastest-growing nuclear arms buildup in the world, even as its economy needs life support in the form of handouts from international donors.

Pakistan nuclear facilitiesPakistanis claim that being outmatched by the conventionally stronger military of its arch-rival India, they need a large stock pile of nukes to defend against an Indian attack. However, closer scrutiny reveals a different story. Pakistan has always been the aggressor in the past military conflicts with India. Besides, terrorists are routinely sent from Pakistan to India to conduct mayhem and murder under the cover of religion. Moreover, it is now estimated that Pakistan has far more nukes than India, along with superior delivery systems.

Pakistan’s new generation nuclear weapons (nukes) are plutonium based—extracted from new nuclear reactors built for the very purpose. These weapons are compact and more powerful. Plutonium is also the basis for the hundred-times more powerful thermonuclear bomb. With this plutonium capability, Pakistan is well on its way to becoming a nuke factory. (read full report)



"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: The Times Of India

12February2011 12:15pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: WASHINGTON: Despite being in the throes of a crippling political Khushab Nuclear Reactorand economic crisis and almost entirely dependent on handouts from the United States and multilateral aid, Pakistan is poking a finger in the international community's eye. Days after it was revealed that Islamabad has doubled its nuclear weapons' inventory in the past decade, American experts have discovered that it has begun building a fourth plutonium-producing reactor to produce even more nuclear bombs to add to the 100-plus it already has.

The Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) announced on Wednesday that it has obtained commercial satellite imagery from January 15, 2011 that shows what appears to be a fourth reactor under construction at Pakistan's Khushab nuclear site. The reactor construction was not visible during a previous satellite pictures last November. (read full report)




"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's advertisers or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Rediff News

12February2011 12:08pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE:  Pakistan-based Al Qaeda's senior leadership remained committed to acquiring weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons, a top Obama administration official said.

In his testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Michael Leiter, director of National Counter-terrorism Centre said, "We assess that Al Qaeda committed to access to nuclear weaponsAl Qaeda's senior leadership in Pakistan remains committed to obtaining all types of weapons of mass destruction."

"But thanks to some outstanding and effective offensive action against Al Qaeda senior leadership in Pakistan, we also assess that their ability to do so is greatly diminished since 9/11," Leiter said in response to a question from Congressman Mike Rogers, chairman of the committee.

"So you would rate their intention as high to try to secure that?" Rogers asked.

"Yes," answered Leiter. "I think the intent remains high, in particular in Pakistan and in Yemen," Leiter said.

Expressing concern over the current situation in Pakistan, Congressman Ben Chandler said, "Pakistan is one of the most dangerous places on the planet." (read full report)



"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's advertisers or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center


08February2011 9:52amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE:  A New York television executive has been convicted of stabbing Man beheads wifehis wife to death and beheading her.

A jury found Pakistan-born Muzzammil Hassan guilty of second-degree murder in the 2009 death of Aasiya Hassan six days after she filed for divorce.

Hassan never denied killing her but said she had abused him and that he had acted in self-defence. He served as his own lawyer during the three-week trial.

Hassan, who founded a Muslim-oriented TV network, could face life in prison.

Prosecutors argued Hassan abused his wife and planned the attack in a hallway at Bridges TV, a satellite channel he set up in 2004 in an effort to counter negative portrayals of Muslims following the 9/11 terror attacks. (read full report)



"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's advertisers or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

US issues global terror alert including India and Pakistan

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: The Economic Times

02February2011 12:47amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: WASHINGTON: The US today issued a global travel alert, including on visiting India and Pakistan , for its citizens in view of the increasing threat from terrorist Global terror alertorganisations like al-Qaeda and the Taliban .

In its latest travel alert titled "worldwide caution", the State Department expressed concern over continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations and other violent actions against US citizens and interests overseas including India and Pakistan.

"In India, there is a continuing threat of terrorism as attacks have randomly targeted public places frequented by Westerners, including luxury and other hotels, trains, train stations, markets, cinemas, mosques, and restaurants in large urban areas," the travel alert said.  (read full report)