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Walid Shoebat, former radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until he converted to Christianity in 1994, was a member of the PLO and involved in terror activity. He was imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks where he was recruited to plant a bomb in Bethlehem. No one was injured, but it forced his parents – his mother, an American, and his father a Palestinian Arab – in 1978 to send him to the United States to study at Loop College in Chicago Illinois. There, he was recruited at a hotel “Terror Conference” by Jamal Said, a founder of the IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine) and Imam at one of the largest mosques in Chicago. The IAP was a forerunner to today’s Hamas terror organization and also to the terror front group CAIR (Council for American Islamic relations). In the early 1980s he was being trained for Jihad activities in the USA along with many other young foreigners as well as US citizens. The Imams were the prime recruiters for terrorism then as they are still today and terror conferences are held all over the USA to this day.

As an experienced former terrorist, Walid has spoken all over America and the world including Chile, Mexico, Canada, the UK and South Africa. He has also appeared on national television stations all over the world including CNN, CNN International, FOX News, ITN, RTE, NBC, CBS, and ABC. He has also been featured on BBC radio 4 and 5.

He warns that terrorists are radicalized through undue influence by Islamist organizations beginning with their local Mosque as well as from abroad. His message is a clear one, but often criticized for it's strong Christian perspective. Monday morning on the online radio broadcast, Will and Mike Live!, Mr. Shoebat candidly and freely discussed his worldview and understanding of this growing threat to the safety and liberty of all people.

Listen to the show here: Will and Mike Live! exclusive interview with Walid Shoebat

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Security Industry News Today

07March2011 2:35pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: WASHINGTON — A 1:57PM call from Security Industry News The White HouseToday to The White House concerning the House Homeland Security Committee hearings and Congressman Peter King’s efforts to address the topic of radical Islam and to find a link to terrorism.

The barrage of criticism leveled against King and other members of the committee have made this a hot button topic.

Security Industry News Today credits leaers like freshman congressman Ben Quayle (R-Arizona) and others or their tough stand on protecting the United States from the threat of radical, Islamic extremism. (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Fox News

07March2011 4:00amEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: WASHINGTON — Radical Islam poses a threat to the United States as a whole, but is particularly dangerous to American Muslims who are targeted by terror groups, the Radical Islamchairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said Sunday in defending upcoming hearings on radical Islam.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., is facing a backlash, including a Sunday protest in New York, over his decision to hold Thursday's hearing — the first in a series — on the threat of Islamic radicalization. King said he's surprised the American-Muslim community is not embracing his hearings because they are the ones most victimized when radical elements infiltrate their communities.

"I've said time and again the overwhelming [majority] of Muslims are good Americans, but the threat is coming from their community and we have to find out why, how it is being done and how to stop it," he told Fox News. "We have an absolute obligation to investigate that." (read full report)

"GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is an intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, it's partners or affiliates. All opinions presented are those of the author, and not necessarily those of GCIS or it's partners.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Front Page

14February2011 11:21amEST

GCIS/MSS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Western universities are not the only centers of tenured academic extremism. In Israel the most notorious den of Marxist faculty members and radical tenured Yoav Peledleftists is Tel Aviv University. Curiously, the radicals there spend a lot of their time and energies bashing one another for not being radical enough.

The leading combatant now attacking other tenured radicals is Yoav Peled [1], a professor of political science at Tel Aviv University, an unreformed Stalinist [2]. His sidekick is Horit Herman Peled, evidently his wife, and in any case someone who teaches art at Oranim College, where her specialty is to design art exhibits and poems that “prove” Israel is a colonialist entity guilty of ethnic cleansing.

Peled is fairly well known [3] for his political extremism. When his own niece was murdered on an Israeli bus by a Palestinian suicide bomber, Peled and his sister, the victim’s mother [4] Nurit Peled Elhanan [5] (who is a professor at the Hebrew University [6]), invited a spokesman from the PLO to speak at the funeral [7] and to denounce Israel for being responsible for the death of the girl. (read full report)

"GCIS/MSS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is a cooperative intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service and Machaseh Security Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, MSS or it's partners or affiliates.

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center


08February2011 9:15amEST

GCIS/MSS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: JERUSALEM — The uprising in Egypt could result in the Netanyahu warns against radical Islamcountry falling into the hands of radical Islamists, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned.

Speaking to a delegation of 400 European lawmakers and members of European Friends of Israel who visited the Knesset Monday, Netanyahu said Islamists may try to take advantage of the situation in Egypt, Haaretz reported Tuesday.

"Egyptians can choose a state with secular reforms. However there is also another possibility, that the Islamists will exploit the situation in order to gain governance over the country and lead it backwards," the Israeli daily quoted the prime minister saying.

"The third possibility is that (Egypt) will go in the direction of Iran" and "oppress the country and threaten all those surrounding it," Netanyahu said. (read full report)




"GCIS/MSS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE" is a cooperative intelligence briefing presented by Griffith Colson Intelligence Service and Machaseh Security Service, and provided to the public for informative purposes only. All subject matter is credited to it's source of origin, and is not intended to represent original content authored by GCIS, MSS or it's advertisers or affiliates.