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Tag Archives: shahid

ISSUED BY: GCIS Communications Command Center

SOURCE: Israel National News

27January2011 4:03pmEST

GCIS INTELLIGENCE UPDATE: Despite the Palestinian Authority's frequent denials that it supports terrorism, Palestinian Media Watch has uncovered a PA media report stating that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas has given $2,000 to the family of a terrorist who was killed trying to murder IDF soldiers.
The incident occurred several weeks ago, when a would-be "holy martyr" (shahid) carrying two pipe bombs ran towards the Israeli soldiers manning the Hamra checkpoint near the Jordan Valley. Screaming "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Greater), he was shot and killed before he could detonate the bombs.

The presidential grant was awarded this week by the governor of the Jenin district, Kadura Musa, to the family of the would-be murderer in the family's village of Al-Yamoun. The governor noted that the grant is financial aid in the amount of $2,000 from Mahmoud Abbas. (read full report)